        url: "/stabile/images?uuid=&action=activate",
        type: "GET", 
        success: function(result) {$("#scoperesult").text(result);}
Name Method Parameters Description
activate GET image, name, managementlink, upgradelink, terminallink, force Activate an image from fuel storage, making it available for regular use.
backup GET image, skipzfs Backs an image up. Set [skipzfs] if ZFS backup is configured, and you do not want to skip images on ZFS storage.
backupfuel GET username, dozfs Backs up a user's fuel storage. If [dozfs] is set, fuel on ZFS volumes is backed up, even if it should be handled by regular ZFS backups.
clone GET image,name,storagepool,wait Clones an image. In the case of cloning a master image, a child is produced.
Only cloning to same storagepool is supported, with the exception of cloning to nodes (storagepool -1).
If you want to perform the clone synchronously, set wait to 1;
convert GET image Converts an image to qcow2 format. Image must not be in use.
download GET image,console Returns http redirection with URL to download image
fullupdateregister GET image,uuid If used with the -f switch () from console, all users images are updated in the db.
If used with the -p switch (), also updates status information (ressource intensive - runs through all domains)
Only images on shared storage are updated, images on node storage are handled on the node.
getbackupdevice GET Returns available physical disks and partitions.
Partitions currently used for holding backup and primary images directories are marked as such.
May also be called as 'getimagesdevice', 'getbackupdevice', 'listimagesdevices' or 'listbackupdevices'.
getimagesdevice GET Returns available physical disks and partitions.
Partitions currently used for holding backup and primary images directories are marked as such.
May also be called as 'getimagesdevice', 'getbackupdevice', 'listimagesdevices' or 'listbackupdevices'.
getimagestatus GET image Check if image already exists. Pass image name including suffix.
getserverbackups GET uuid Lists the image backups associated with a server, i.e. the backups of all the images attached to a server.
A server UUID should be passed as parameter. A JSON object is returned. May be called as getserverbackups, in
which case a JSON object is returned, or as listserverbackups, in which case a string is returned.
initializestorage GET device,type,fs,activate,force Initializes a local disk or partition, and optionally formats it with ZFS and creates a ZFS pool to use as image storage or backup storage.
[device] is a local disk device in /dev like e.g. 'sdd'. [type] may be either 'images' (default) or 'backup'. [fs] may be 'lvm' (default) or 'zfs'.
Set [activate] if you want to put the device into use immediately. Set [force] if you want to destroy existing ZFS pool and recreate (obviously use with care).
inject GET image Tries to inject drivers into a qcow2 image with a Windows OS installed on it. Image must not be in use.
linkmaster GET image Link master image to fuel
list GET image,uuid Lists all the images a user has access to. This is also the default action for the endpoint, so if no action is specified this is what you get.
The returned list may be filtered by specifying storagepool, type, name, path or uuid, like e.g.:

/stabile/images/name:test* AND storagepool:shared
/stabile/images/storagepool:shared AND path:test*
/stabile/images/name:* AND storagepool:all AND type:usercdroms

storagepool may be either of: all, node, shared
type may be either of: user, usermasters, commonmasters, usercdroms

May also be called as tablelist or tablelistall, for use by stash.

listbackupdevices GET Returns available physical disks and partitions.
Partitions currently used for holding backup and primary images directories are marked as such.
May also be called as 'getimagesdevice', 'getbackupdevice', 'listimagesdevices' or 'listbackupdevices'.
listbackups GET image List backups on file for the give image, which may be specified as path or uuid.
listcdroms GET Lists the CD roms a user has access to.
listfiles GET image,path Try to mount the file system on the given image, and list the files from the given path in the mounted file system.
The image must contain a bootable file system, in order to locate a mount point.
listimages GET image,image1 List images available for attaching to server. This is different from [list] since images must be unused and e.g. master images cannot be attached to a server.
An image may be passed as parameter. This image is assumed to be already attached to the server, so it is included, even though it is not unused.
If image1 is passed, we assume user is selecting an optional second image for the server, and an empty entry is included in the response, in order for the user to select "no image".
listimagesdevices GET Returns available physical disks and partitions.
Partitions currently used for holding backup and primary images directories are marked as such.
May also be called as 'getimagesdevice', 'getbackupdevice', 'listimagesdevices' or 'listbackupdevices'.
listmasterimages GET Lists master images available to the current user.
listpackages GET image Tries to mount and list software packages installed on the operating system on an image. The image must be mountable and contain a valid operating system.
listserverbackups GET uuid Lists the image backups associated with a server, i.e. the backups of all the images attached to a server.
A server UUID should be passed as parameter. A JSON object is returned. May be called as getserverbackups, in
which case a JSON object is returned, or as listserverbackups, in which case a string is returned.
liststoragedevices GET Returns available physical disks and partitions.
Partitions currently used for holding backup and primary images directories are marked as such.
May also be called as 'getimagesdevice', 'getbackupdevice', 'listimagesdevices' or 'listbackupdevices'.
liststoragepools GET dojo Returns available storage pools. If parameter dojo is set, JSON is padded for Dojo use.
master GET image Converts an image to a master image. Image must not be in use.
mount GET image Tries to mount an image on admin server for listfiles/restorefiles operations.
publish GET image,appid,appstore,force Publish a stack to registry. Set [force] if you want to force overwrite images in registry - use with caution.
rebase GET image Converts a master image to a regular image. Image must not be in use.
release GET image,appid,appstore,force,unrelease Releases a stack in the registry, i.e. moves it from being a private stack only owner and owner's users can see and use to being a public stack, everyone can use. Set [force] if you want to force overwrite images in registry - use with caution.
remove DELETE image Removes an image from storage, i.e. completely deletes the image and its backups (be careful).
removeuserimages GET Removes all images belonging to a user from storage, i.e. completely deletes the image and its backups (be careful).
restore GET image Backs an image up.
restorefiles GET image,files Restores files from the given path in the given image to a newly created ISO image. The given image must be mountable.
revert GET image Applies a snapshot to a qcow2 image, i.e. the image is reverted to the state it was in when the snapshot was taken. Image can not be in use by a running server.
save POST path, uuid, name, type, virtualsize, storagepool, user To save a collection of images you either PUT or POST a JSON array to the main endpoint with objects representing the images with the changes you want.
Depending on your privileges not all changes are permitted. If you save without specifying a uuid or path, a new image is created.
setstoragedevice GET device,type Changes the device - disk or partition, used for images or backup storage.
[type] is either images or backup.
snapshot GET image Adds a snapshot to a qcow2 image. Image can not be in use by a running server.
sync_backup GET image, skipzfs Backs an image up. Set [skipzfs] if ZFS backup is configured, and you do not want to skip images on ZFS storage.
sync_clone GET image,name,storagepool,wait Clones an image. In the case of cloning a master image, a child is produced.
Only cloning to same storagepool is supported, with the exception of cloning to nodes (storagepool -1).
If you want to perform the clone synchronously, set wait to 1;
sync_save POST path, uuid, name, type, virtualsize, storagepool, user To save a collection of images you either PUT or POST a JSON array to the main endpoint with objects representing the images with the changes you want.
Depending on your privileges not all changes are permitted. If you save without specifying a uuid or path, a new image is created.
tablelist GET image,uuid Lists all the images a user has access to. This is also the default action for the endpoint, so if no action is specified this is what you get.
The returned list may be filtered by specifying storagepool, type, name, path or uuid, like e.g.:

/stabile/images/name:test* AND storagepool:shared
/stabile/images/storagepool:shared AND path:test*
/stabile/images/name:* AND storagepool:all AND type:usercdroms

storagepool may be either of: all, node, shared
type may be either of: user, usermasters, commonmasters, usercdroms

May also be called as tablelist or tablelistall, for use by stash.

tablelistall GET image,uuid Lists all the images a user has access to. This is also the default action for the endpoint, so if no action is specified this is what you get.
The returned list may be filtered by specifying storagepool, type, name, path or uuid, like e.g.:

/stabile/images/name:test* AND storagepool:shared
/stabile/images/storagepool:shared AND path:test*
/stabile/images/name:* AND storagepool:all AND type:usercdroms

storagepool may be either of: all, node, shared
type may be either of: user, usermasters, commonmasters, usercdroms

May also be called as tablelist or tablelistall, for use by stash.

unlinkmaster GET image,path
unmaster GET image Converts a master image to a regular image. Image must not be in use.
unmount GET image Unmounts a previously mounted image.
unmountall GET image,path
unsnap GET image Removes a snapshot from a qcow2 image. Image can not be in use by a running server.
updateallbtimes GET
updatebackingfile GET image
updatebilling GET image,path
updatebtime GET image
updatedownloads GET image,path
updateregister GET image,uuid If used with the -f switch () from console, all users images are updated in the db.
If used with the -p switch (), also updates status information (ressource intensive - runs through all domains)
Only images on shared storage are updated, images on node storage are handled on the node.
upload POST image,path
uploadtoregistry GET image, force Upload an image to the registry. Set [force] if you want to force overwrite images in registry - use with caution.
urlupload GET image,path
uuidlookup GET image,path
uuidshow GET image,path
zbackup GET mac, storagepool, synconly, snaponly, imageretention, backupretention Backs all images on ZFS storage up by taking a storage snapshot. By default all shared storagepools are backed up.
If storagepool -1 is specified, all ZFS node storages is backed up. If "mac" is specified, only specific node is backed up.
If "synconly" is set, no new snapshots are taken - only syncing of snapshots is performed.
If "snaponly" is set, only local active storage snapshot is taken - no sending to backup storage is done.
"xretention" can be either simply number of snapshots to keep, or max age of snapshot to keep in seconds [s], hours [h] or days [d],
e.g. "imageretention=10" will keep 10 image snapshots, "imageretention=600s" will purte image snapshots older than 600 seconds if possible, or "backretention=14d" will purge backup snapshots older than 14 days.