$.ajax({ url: "/stabile/networks?uuid=&action=activate", type: "GET", success: function(result) {$("#scoperesult").text(result);} }); |
Name | Method | Parameters | Description |
activate | GET | uuid | Activate a network which must be in status down or nat.
activateall | GET | Tries to activate all networks. If called as restoreall by an admin, will try to restore all user's networks to saved state, e.g. after a reboot.
deactivate | GET | uuid | Deactivate a network which must be in status up.
deactivateall | GET | Tries to deactivate all networks. May also be called as natall or stopall.
dnscheck | GET | name | Checks if a domain name (name[.subdomain]) is available, i.e. not registered,
where subdomain is the subdomain belonging to the the registering engine. |
dnsclean | GET | Remove this engines entries in uncloud.co zone.
dnscreate | GET | name, value, type | Create a DNS record in the the subdomain belonging to the user's default DNS domain.
name is a domain name in the Engine's zone. value is either an IP address for A records or a domain name for other. [type] is A, CNAME, TXT or MX. |
dnsdelete | GET | name, value, type | Delete a DNS record in the configured zone.
dnslist | GET | domain | Lists entries in [domain] or if not specified, the default zone: uncloud.co.
dnsupdate | GET | name,value,type,oldname,oldvalue | Updates CNAME records pointing to a A record with value 'value', to point to the new 'name' in the the default DNS domain.
envdump | GET | Dump environment variables
getappstoreurl | GET | Get URL to the app store belonging to engine or user (uverrides engine default).
getdnsdomain | GET | Get the default DNS domain and the subdomain this Engine registers entries in.
jsonlist | GET | uuid | List networks current user has access to.
list | GET | uuid | List networks current user has access to.
listdnsdomains | GET | Get the DNS domains current user has access to.
listnetworks | GET | uuid | List networks current user has access to.
listnetworktypes | GET | List available network types. Possibly limited by exhausted IP ranges.
natall | GET | Tries to deactivate all networks. May also be called as natall or stopall.
remove | DELETE | uuid,force | Delete a network which must be in status down or nat and should not be used by any servers, or linked to any stacks.
May also be called with endpoints "/stabile/[uuid]" or "/stabile?uuid=[uuid]" Set [force] to remove even if linked to a system. |
removeusernetworks | GET | Remove all networks belonging to a user.
restoreall | GET | Tries to activate all networks. If called as restoreall by an admin, will try to restore all user's networks to saved state, e.g. after a reboot.
save | POST | uuid, id, name, internalip, externalip, ports, type, systems, activate | To save a collection of networks you either PUT or POST a JSON array to the main endpoint with objects representing the networks with the changes you want.
Depending on your privileges not all changes are permitted. If you save without specifying a uuid, a new network is created. For now, [activate] only has effect when creating a new connection with a linked system/server. |
stop | GET | uuid | Stops a network by removing gateway. Network must be in status up or nat.
stopall | GET | Tries to deactivate all networks. May also be called as natall or stopall.
tablelist | GET | uuid | List networks current user has access to.
this | GET | uuid | List networks current user has access to.
updatebilling | GET | uuid | Update network billing for current user.
updateui | GET | uuid | Update the web UI for the given uuid (if user has web UI loaded).
uuidlookup | GET | uuid | Simple action for looking up a uuid or part of a uuid and returning the complete uuid.
uuidshow | GET | uuid | Simple action for showing a single network.