        url: "/stabile/nodes?uuid=&action=activate",
        type: "GET", 
        success: function(result) {$("#scoperesult").text(result);}
Name Method Parameters Description
carryon GET mac Puts the specified node out of maintenance mode. A node in maintenance mode is not available for starting new servers.
clearlog GET Clear the local activity log file.
configurecgroups GET Parse Stabile config nodeconfig.cfg and configure /etc/stabile/cgconfig.conf for all known node roots.
delete GET mac Deletes a node. Use if a node has been physically removed from engine.
evacuate GET mac Evacuates the specified node, i.e. tries to migrate all servers away from the node. Node must be in maintenance mode.
fullstats GET Collect and show stats for this engine. May also be called as fullstats or fullstatsb (includes backup info).
fullstatsb GET Collect and show stats for this engine. May also be called as fullstats or fullstatsb (includes backup info).
halt GET mac Halts the specified node.
haltall GET nowait Unceremoniously halt all active nodes.
list GET uuid List the nodes running this engine.
listlog GET Lists the last 200 lines from the local activity log file.
listnodeidentities GET List the identities supported by this engine.
listnodes GET uuid List the nodes running this engine.
maintenance GET mac Puts the specified node in maintenance mode. A node in maintenance mode is not available for starting new servers.
reboot GET mac Reboots the specified node.
rebootall GET Reboot all active nodes.
reload GET mac,nodeaction Reload configuration on the specified node or perform specified action.
reloadall GET nodeaction Reload configuration on all nodes. Alternatively specify a "nodeaction" to have it executed on all nodes.
Currently supported nodeactions: CGLOAD [reload cgroup configuration]
remove GET mac Deletes a node. Use if a node has been physically removed from engine.
reset GET mac Resets the specified node.
save PUT name Set the name of node.
setdefaultnodeidentity GET hid,sleepafter Sets the default identity a node should boot as. [sleepafter] is in seconds, [hid] is [name] of one the alternatives listed by [listnodeidentities].
shutdown GET mac Shuts down the specified node.
sleep GET mac Put an idle node to sleep. S3 sleep must be supported and enabled.
sol GET mac Open serial over lan access to specified node through shellinabox.
stats GET Collect and show stats for this engine. May also be called as fullstats or fullstatsb (includes backup info).
tablelist GET uuid List the nodes running this engine.
terminal GET mac Open direct ssh access to specified node through shellinabox.
unjoin GET mac Disassciates a node from the engine and reboots it. After rebooting, it will join the engine with the default
node identity
updateamtinfo GET Updates info about the nodes' AMT configuration by scanning the network.
updateregister GET Updates the node register.
uuidlookup GET uuid Simple action for looking up a uuid or part of a uuid and returning the complete uuid.
uuidshow GET uuid Simple action for showing a single network.
wake GET mac Tries to wake or start a node by sending a wake-on-LAN magic packet to the node.
wipe GET mac Erases a node's harddrive and formats it with either ext4 or zfs, depending on settings.
Only allowed if /mnt/stabile/node is empty.