        url: "/stabile/servers?uuid=&action=activate",
        type: "GET", 
        success: function(result) {$("#scoperesult").text(result);}
Name Method Parameters Description
attach GET uuid,image Attaches an image to a server as a disk device. Image must not be in use.
autostartall GET Start all servers marked for autostart. When called as showautostart only shows which would be started.
changepassword POST uuid,username,password Attempts to set password for [username] to [password] using guestfish. If no username is specified, user 'stabile' is assumed.
destroy GET uuid,wait Marks a server for halt, i.e. pull the plug if regular shutdown does not work or is not desired. Server and storage is preserved.
destroyuserservers GET Simple action for destroying all servers belonging to a user
detach GET uuid,image Detaches a disk device and the associated image from a running server. All associated file-systems within the server should be unmounted before detaching, otherwise data loss i very probable. Use with care.
getappid GET uuid Simple action for getting the app id
getappinfo GET uuid Simple action for getting the apps basic info
jsonlist GET uuid List servers current user has access to.
list GET uuid List servers current user has access to.
listbillingdata GET List current billing data.
listnodeavailability GET Utility call - only informational. Shows availability of nodes for starting servers.
mountcd GET uuid,cdrom Mounts a cdrom on a server. Server must be running. Mounting the special cdrom named '--' unomunts any currently mounted cdrom.
move GET uuid,mac Moves a server to a different node (Qemu live migration). Server must be running
remove DELETE uuid Removes a server. Server must be shutoff. Does not remove associated images or networks.
removeserver GET uuid Simple action for destroying and removing a single server
removeuserservers GET Simple action for removing all servers belonging to a user
resume GET uuid Marks a server for resume running. Server must be paused.
save POST uuid, name, user, system, autostart, locktonode, mac, memory, vcpu, boot, diskbus, nicmodel1, vgpu, cdrom, image, image2, image3, image4, networkuuid2, networkuuid3, networkuuid1, nicmac1, nicmac2, nicmac3 To save a servers of networks you either PUT or POST a JSON array to the main endpoint with objects representing the servers with the changes you want.
Depending on your privileges not all changes are permitted. If you save without specifying a uuid, a new server is created.
If you pass [user] parameter it is assumed you want to move server to this user's account.
Supported parameters:

uuid: UUID
name: string
user: string
system: UUID of stack this server belongs to
autostart: true|false
locktonode: true|false
mac: MAC address of target node

memory: int bytes
vcpu: int
boot: hd|cdrom|network
diskbus: virtio|ide|scsi
nicmodel1: virtio|rtl8139|ne2k_pci|e1000|i82551|i82557b|i82559er|pcnet
vgpu: int

cdrom: string path
image: string path
image2: string path
image3: string path
image4: string path

networkuuid1: UUID of network connection
networkuuid2: UUID of network connection
networkuuid3: UUID of network connection

setrunning GET uuid Simple action for setting status back to running after e.g. an upgrade
showautostart GET Start all servers marked for autostart. When called as showautostart only shows which would be started.
shutdown GET uuid Marks a server for shutdown, i.e. send and ACPI shutdown event to the server. If OS supports ACPI, it begins a shutdown.
sshaccess POST uuid,address Attempts to change the ip addresses you can access the server over SSH (port 22) from, by adding [address] to /etc/hosts.allow.
[address] should either be an IP address or a range in CIDR notation. Please note that no validation of [address] is performed.
start GET uuid,mac Start a server. Supply mac for starting on specific node.
suspend GET uuid Marks a server for suspend, i.e. pauses the server. Server must be running
tablelist GET uuid List servers current user has access to.
updateregister GET Update server register
uuidlookup GET uuid Simple action for looking up a uuid or part of a uuid and returning the complete uuid.
uuidshow GET uuid Simple action for showing a single server.