        url: "/stabile/systems?uuid=&action=activate",
        type: "GET", 
        success: function(result) {$("#scoperesult").text(result);}
Name Method Parameters Description
appstore GET appid,callback Look up app info for app with given appid in appstore on origo.io. Data is returned as padded JSON (JSONP).
Optionally provide name of your JSONP callback function, which should parse the returned script data.
arraylist GET uuid List systems current user has access to.
backup GET uuid Suspend, resume, start, shutdown, destroy og backup individual servers or servers belonging to a system.
buildsystem GET name, master, storagepool, system, instances, networkuuid, bschedule, networktype1, ports, memory, vcpu, diskbus, cdrom, boot, nicmodel1, nicmac1, networkuuid2, nicmac2, storagepool2, monitors, managementlink, start Build a complete system from cloned master image.
master is the only required parameter. Set [storagepool2] to -1 if you want data images to be put on node storage.
changemonitoremail GET uuid,email Change the email for all monitors belonging to server with given uuid. May be called with command line switches -u server uuid, -m old email, -k new email.
deletesystem GET uuid Removes specified system, i.e. completely deletes all servers, images, networks and backups belonging to a system.
Use with care.
destroy GET uuid Suspend, resume, start, shutdown, destroy og backup individual servers or servers belonging to a system.
flatlist GET uuid List systems current user has access to.
getmetrics GET uuid,metric,from,until,last,format Get performance and load metrics in JSON format from Graphite backend. [metric] is one of: cpuload, diskreads, diskwrites, networkactivityrx, networkactivitytx
From and until are Unix timestamps. Alternatively specify "last" number of seconds you want metrics for. Format is "json" (default) or "csv".
installsystem GET installsystem,installaccount Helper function to initiate the installation of a new stack with system ID [installsystem] to account [installaccount] by redirecting with appropriate cookies set.
list GET uuid List systems current user has access to.
listuptime GET yearmonth,uuid,format List uptime for defined monitors. If uuid is supplied, only uptime for matching server or servers belonging to matching
system is shown. Format is either html or json.
metrics GET uuid,metric,from,to Get performance and load metrics in JSON format from RRD backend. [metric] is one of: cpuload, diskreads, diskwrites, networkactivityrx, networkactivitytx
From and to are Unix timestamps.
monitors GET uuid Handling of monitors
monitors_acknowledge GET id Enable, disable or acknowledge a monitor. Id is of the form serveruuid:service
monitors_disable GET id Enable, disable or acknowledge a monitor. Id is of the form serveruuid:service
monitors_enable GET id Enable, disable or acknowledge a monitor. Id is of the form serveruuid:service
monitors_remove PUT id Enable, disable or acknowledge a monitor. Id is of the form serveruuid:service
monitors_save PUT id Enable, disable or acknowledge a monitor. Id is of the form serveruuid:service
packages GET uuid Handling of packages
packages_load POST uuid Load list of installed software packages that are installed on the image. Image must contain a valid OS.
packages_remove DELETE uuid Remove packages belonging to server or system with given uuid.
register GET uuid,format Print software register for server or system of servers with given uuid. Format is html, csv or json (default).
remove DELETE uuid Delete a system from database and make all member servers free agents.
removesystem GET uuid Removes specified system, i.e. completely deletes all servers, images, networks and backups belonging to a system.
Use with care.
removeusersystems GET Removes all systems belonging to a user, i.e. completely deletes all servers, images and networks belonging to an account.
Use with extreme care.
resetmonitoring GET Reset mon daemon while keeping states.
resettoaccountinfo GET Recursively reset contact data for all systems and servers
resume GET uuid Suspend, resume, start, shutdown, destroy og backup individual servers or servers belonging to a system.
save PUT uuid, fullname, email, phone, opfullname, opemail, opphone, alertemail, services, recovery, networkuuids Save properties for a system. If no uuid is provided, a new stack is created.[networkuuids] is a comma-separated list of networks reserved to this stack for use not associated with specific servers.
[networkuuids] is a list of UUIDs of linked network connections, i.e. connections reserved for this system to handle

Specify '--' to clear a value.
shutdown GET uuid Suspend, resume, start, shutdown, destroy og backup individual servers or servers belonging to a system.
start GET uuid Suspend, resume, start, shutdown, destroy og backup individual servers or servers belonging to a system.
start_server GET uuid Start specific server.
suspend GET uuid Suspend, resume, start, shutdown, destroy og backup individual servers or servers belonging to a system.
tablelist GET uuid List systems current user has access to.
updateaccountinfo PUT fullname, email, phone, opfullname, opemail, opphone, alertemail, allowfrom, allowinternalapi Save user information.
updateengineinfo PUT downloadmasters, externaliprangestart, externaliprangeend, proxyiprangestart, proxyiprangeend, proxygw, vmreadlimit, vmwritelimit, vmiopsreadlimit, vmiopswritelimit Save engine information.
uuidlookup GET uuid Simple action for looking up a uuid or part of a uuid and returning the complete uuid.
uuidshow GET uuid Simple action for showing a single system.