        url: "/stabile/users?uuid=&action=activate",
        type: "GET", 
        success: function(result) {$("#scoperesult").text(result);}
Name Method Parameters Description
backupengine GET Backup this engine's configuration to the registry.
billengine GET Submit billing data for this engine to the registry.
billing GET uuid,username,month,startmonth,endmonth,format List usage data, optionally for specific server/system [uuid] or user [username]. May be called as usage, usagestatus or usageavgstatus.
When called as "usage", format may be csv, in which case startmonth and endmonth may be specified.
billingavgstatus GET uuid,username,month,startmonth,endmonth,format List usage data, optionally for specific server/system [uuid] or user [username]. May be called as usage, usagestatus or usageavgstatus.
When called as "usage", format may be csv, in which case startmonth and endmonth may be specified.
billingstatus GET uuid,username,month,startmonth,endmonth,format List usage data, optionally for specific server/system [uuid] or user [username]. May be called as usage, usagestatus or usageavgstatus.
When called as "usage", format may be csv, in which case startmonth and endmonth may be specified.
changepassword GET username,password Changes the password for a user.
cleanbillingdata GET year,dryrun,cleanup Deletes billing from [year]. Default is current year-2. Set dryrun to do a test run. Set cleanup to remove invalid entries.
delete GET username Removes a user.
deleteentirely GET username Deletes a user and all the user's servers, images, networks etc. Warning: This destroys data
disable GET username Disable a user.
enable GET username Enable a user.
linkengine PUT username,password,engineid,enginename,engineurl Links engine to the registry
list GET List users registered on this engine.
listaccounts GET common List other user accounts current user has access to use and switch to. This is an internal method which includes html
specifically for use with Dojo.
listenginebackups GET List the backups of this engine's configuration in the registry.
listengines GET List other engines user has access to
listids GET List other user accounts current user has read access to. Call with flat=1 if you want a flat array.
releasepressure GET Restarts pressurecontrol.
remove GET username Removes a user.
resetpassword GET username Sends an email to a user with a link to reset his password. The user must have a valid email address.
restoreengine GET restorefile Restores this engine's configuration from "restorefile", which must be one of the paths listed in listenginebackups
save POST username, password, privileges, fullname, email, opemail, alertemail, phone, opphone, opfullname, allowfrom, allowinternalapi, accounts, accountsprivileges, storagepools, memoryquota, storagequota, nodestoragequota, vcpuquota, externalipquota, rxquota, txquota Saves a user. If [username] does not exist, it is created if privileges allow this. [password] can be plaintext or a SHA256 hash.
saveengine PUT username,password,engineid,enginename,engineurl Links engine to the registry
show GET uuid Simple action for showing a single user. Pass username as uuid.
syncusers PUT username,password,engineid,enginename,engineurl Links engine to the registry
tablelist GET List users registered on this engine.
unlinkengine PUT username,password,engineid,enginename,engineurl Links engine to the registry
updateclientui GET username,message,tab,type Update the UI for given user if logged into UI.
updateengine PUT username,password,engineid,enginename,engineurl Links engine to the registry
updateui GET username,message,tab Update the UI for given user if logged into UI.
upgradeengine GET Try to upgrade this engine to latest release from the registry
usage GET uuid,username,month,startmonth,endmonth,format List usage data, optionally for specific server/system [uuid] or user [username]. May be called as usage, usagestatus or usageavgstatus.
When called as "usage", format may be csv, in which case startmonth and endmonth may be specified.
usageavgstatus GET uuid,username,month,startmonth,endmonth,format List usage data, optionally for specific server/system [uuid] or user [username]. May be called as usage, usagestatus or usageavgstatus.
When called as "usage", format may be csv, in which case startmonth and endmonth may be specified.
usagestatus GET uuid,username,month,startmonth,endmonth,format List usage data, optionally for specific server/system [uuid] or user [username]. May be called as usage, usagestatus or usageavgstatus.
When called as "usage", format may be csv, in which case startmonth and endmonth may be specified.
uuidlookup GET uuid Simple action for looking up a username (uuid) or part of a username and returning the complete username.
uuidshow GET uuid Simple action for showing a single user. Pass username as uuid.
vent GET Restart pressurecontrol.